COMPANYF TWOUILITY SCALESOL AR PROECTS IN VIRG NTAAND O hdy 24, 201Vipna Electric ni Po cr Coag aay ("Domason" or "Con pa ') Slod v ith the State Corporation Com sson ( Cormsuon ,potnoa C penon") for 1 Solar Pacilay SG Selaran appooxsimaty 98 M AC facilay lecated in Serry Counn t and M 58n D of de C de of VirgiataCode (colle tn ch -us.) solar Prop cts" or hog cts") The Cortpazy nquestsappr 'al of d CPCN for cach of the US.) Solar Pro cctipunart to 5 ks Demnion maintain that the US-3 Selar Pojcts are meodod ecoo and w Compuny ts that dhe nowh cmacd Grid Transforun and Socarity Act poide olar or wind generation acilhties and amend s an ailable foe solat cilties ich will resall in an approxinuicy $36 mallion soduction to ov ctall cunitomer costs the US-3 Solar Projocts in connection with is epenntal volntary compunion tan, desagnated Schodule RF, which the Commession rocenth apprond in Cae No PUR-3087-00337 The Comthat Soma Devslogme LLC aibsidiary of Fapbool oc(Faccbool os comned so Projocts al a ed pice ander Schodale RF Dominion maintaim thal it indicnds to sell the cwtomers through Ridr US- Domanuen, represents thutco yano o with its etots to expand its pont l of renewable and carton free swuRes, the Con an" maod a st for proposals C 2017 RFP ) auqunition projocts to ncvigw and potential pewer purc hanie so parchase and peovide a indpty markct alcmtives es The Comay acts thaie 2017 RFP mocts the Subsection A6 requie- mgne to conader and wcigh aheunnve optiom, incleding third party markct ahemutives i slocing poposd gcocrating facaies he Projects would inchade groundmd sinlo-avis tacking solar panl arays with an Domision espocts CTW Sole to be in senice by lutes that the homets uddprov ide dieet and direct cooosue od Virginu appeoxinanct 9 multion which wsH 721 jobs on a cumalative basis om 2018 to 2021 he Cospus proposesnunal rate ye at for Rider U5-1 of Mach 1,2014, to Febrwary 29, 2020 Pro cts ate ihc Psycied Cou Roco, cry Fact Yan and rqeexas tu' the three key ee the Rate Year pls incong tanes en the oquity componsss of the tarn and projoctod Ra of the roveomest for the UUS-3 Selar Dominon tutes thu. the allouane for fundi used ártag ontwicoAFUDC ) Cot Ro over, Fxtot aad de Actul Cost True-lip Factor Reoonery Factor cominls of the soconery overed theough Rider US-3 for calerda year 2019 compurod o acad cos The t Psoixted Company indicatics thal e AFUD Co AFLDC pached o be accacd os boks for the US-t Solar Projects Donnos sties tha did tot inclak Te-Up Factor will cither crodn o or socuver frem jarctiol cuiomers the äfference betncen actoal revc Compom indgates th the total pevenw reqsonOR FOquestod Sof the Rate war for Rider US.1 ks $10,165,000 the ingact a r bills uould dspcnd os d coner's rat schofule and The Compaw asserts thot impicmenation of the proposed Rider US-oa March or using 1,000 kilowalt bours per month by appbchy so cncised penons arc encouraged to reew the Petition andspporting documnts for ibe detals of these and other proposals cvenncs among Casloncet classes andet design talcs in a manner differing ros tht shows in the Petition and sopporting documns and may alop hat diflor from ne Coen go a e tired an Order for Norge and Ha nng that anong other dies sch dule d a pdk h anog on Doorbo 18, 2 Ex. a in the Commis on s second er o ertroo s katois the ler Beilding, 10 Est Main Stroet, Ricoond Virgina 2 respondents and th, Coaanission's Sum Aan pc noe deunag to testify as a PAIK nes at thn lean g on thg CPCN ponon of Doanoa's Petition sh ld appear sneen(15) mandes prior to fo starting to to me setimom bom tettets of the pubi' eidoce felled the CPCN portion of Le nisson's Pet tien from the Coapm at The Commulon ahoK roceive sestimons froan members of t publis and gidence relasod tothe RAC portion of Domisioe's Pention froas the Compa ary respondkns, and the Cemuson's Stalf Am s a poblie witnes al this hearing on the RAC ptos of Deninica's Petition should appeat fifce () mintes pror to the starting be eftle ngan coas the Conmsn harion Mich 2019, at 10 a m-inde Cotinn on's ocond to or courtroom located trit c Tyler Buldty, 1 100 East MunStoet. Rxhmod Virgiu 23219, to The public versna ofthe Cot pun s Petton tscli asthe CotnnusoisOrdc, foe Notice and Heanng are aailable fee public oct Richmond Virginia 23219 Copies ef the publicenion of the Petition aid other documees tiled o the roguesling party. tlhe Compony may pro kde the docusyclctoimea in this cnc also are aaible for ineseled persons to fes ien in the Commissions DecureM Co tesol Cafer located oa the fnt of Or, er before Decembell. 2018, aro irecteslod per on "tshing looommet t ont e CP N potico of Dentries's Petit s shall file ritica coamentionthe h ion ".ith Joel H Pock Clerk. Sule Corpotatoe by follo in the mintio is on the Comten sen s wabule na asuce ummut as compel disa ee an ether foem of clotonic tago modium may at be tied with the con nett All wch On er betong Febnary 27, 2014, am tgressed person 2dang tocomment ootc RAC portan of Domson s Pention sh 1 Uc wnnenoomi Its on the petition with ("krk of the Conan sos at the address above Any intcrsted peron desiing so file sochcomments electoically may do so on or before Febmaary 27, 01b ellow ing the iniroctions on the Commssions wcbus hea nter to Case Ne On or befoog Okiober 2.20% am peroa or conty w auy do so by fling a notice of patcipation E noe faled clsonicaly, an onginul and e(15 hall be sobmsed o bove. Acopy of the molice ef paeticipion a a respondent also menit be sost to cnsel for the on or gouemtbodh participaring as a respondene m rsed by cos as roqid by Rake 3 VAC 3-20-30, Coe, ofthe Roles o Pe Alllings shall rfer to Cg No PUR er befone November 6, 2018. aich ecpoodetd mun file ith the Clerk of the Cott masum md terve on the Carmusuen's Sadr the Conpa , and all other espendets. am set tror elbits by Practice, inchding 5 VAC -20-140 Oner befOK lowary 30, 2019, cach respondent Sle with the Ckrk of thg Connsson and serve o " the Conn sca s sam the Coogan and anot respon OR an te in om and edb.ts by ilka nclding VAC 0.140 Filing and seeice and S VAC 0-240 Prpasod and eshobits Al fings shll eer to Cne No ll docment filed wis the Office of the Cek of the Commnsion in this dockd may ee boh sides of the poper Inall othet rospects all fans sulcompl fully with the noquiscments ofs vAC 5.20-1s0 of sach estimo and exbits l be sebminod so the Clerk of the Co the ddcs above Inall n respoodents shall comply with the Commissioas Copics and foru of the Comission's Ruks of Practice irgnaass A printod copy of the Convission's Raks of Prectios and an official oopy of the Commission'sOndcr for Noioe and Hearing is this geocooding may be delainod om the Cler of the Commial he address abone onial Trail Wost MIRGINIAELECTRICAND POWER COMPAN