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    June 27, 2018
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NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF AN APPLICATION BY VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY FOR REVISION OF RATE ADIUSTMENT CLAUSE RIDER W, WARREN COUNTY POWER STATION .wyria Bectnc and Power C ompen dba Dominon Energy Viggm>< Dominon ) has applied for a ponaIrise its djustment clause, Rider W Dominion oquests a total revenue roqiement of $107,113 million for its 2019 Rider W A Hearing Examiner appointed by the Commission will bear the casc on November8,2018 at 10am rticr itforma non aboul dus case isa, aille on the Stic Corporation Corrumission's webste at hap www soes irgita gov r On June l-2018 Vinginta Electric and Poncr Conaguity dba Dominion Ene Virginia ("Domtos" or "Comparay"h pursunt 10 § 56-585 1 A 6 ofthe Code of Virginia ("Cok" filcd with the Stac Corp n ton Comnu sion < "Commission") an amal updac of the Compoy's rc adjustment csc, Rider W Application"). Through is Application, the Compary socks to recOver cos issocused v. ith the wanen CourPower Station( warren Couray Proy ct or Projecr"A a l 342 meganomunal nrial gas. firod combinod-cyck ckctric generating Eacility and associatod transmission intcrconnection faxilitics localcd in Warren Co Virginia In 2012, the Commission appeon od Dominion's construction and operation of the Warren County Project and also appeoved a djustment clusc, designd Rider W. for Doemition o roconer costs associsted with the Projact. The Warren County Projact became fiully operstionl in 2014 In this pro cc daV-Dominon lusked the Commission o approve Rider w for the rate year bopmtng April 1,2019, and cning March 31, 2020(2019 Rate Year) The two components of the proposed toal neveuc requirenent for the 2019 Rae Year are the Projoctod Cost Racovery Facior and the Actxal Cost Truc-Up Factor. The Compory is roquesting a Projccied Cot Recovery Factor revermc roquiremens of 5103,327 000and an Actaal Cost Thie-Up Factor evene reqirement of 3 786000, his the Compary is roquesting a toital revenec roquiremecnt of $107,113,000 for service rendered during the 2019 Ratc Year For purposes of calcubtieg the Projoctod Cost Recovery Factorin tis case. Dominioe utiliod a e of ram on consmon quity ("ROE") of to 2% tich comprises a general ROE of92% approved b, the Comision in its Final Order In Case No PUR- 201740038 plus a l ) basis potre crkrced rtum applicalka combin dey cle penceting sttion as described m § 56585 IA s of the Code For purposes of calcul ting the Actual Cost Trac-Up Factor, the Compam utilind an ROE of 100% for the mormhs ofJan.ry 201 7 through Mbrch 201 which oomposcs the general ROE of 96% appron cd by the Commsson in its Fini Orkr in Case No PUE-20 1 540061 pks the 00 bass po. enlunced eetum an ROE of 10.2% for the per od of April 1 2017 through Nocmbor 28, NT. w hich oompriscs the gocral ROE of 9 4% approvad by thc Connnisin in its Order in Casc No PUE-2016. 000,3. plus the 100 baspom er herced s tim; and an ROE of 10 2%foethe period of Nove bef 29, 2017 trough De ester 31, 2017, which comprises the general ROE of 92% appoood by the Commission in its 2017 ROE Order, plus the 100 basis point If the proposed Rider W for the 2019 Rate Year is approved, the impuct on customer bills woold depend on the customer's rat schodulc and usage. According to Domion impkemertation of its proposod Ridkr Won April . 2019, woukd incrcase tle bill ofa resádensial cusiomer using 1,000 kilow at hours per moeth by appeoximatcly 9003 The Compur proposcs achinge in the methodology for the cakculation of a certain allocation factor beginning in 2018 to rocog- with the execption of the removal of certain Fedkral and retail choice customers from the Virginia jurisdiction the Compo indicates it las calcubiod the proposed Rider Wrles in accoedince nith the sme methodology as used or appoved by the Commission in the most rocent Rider W proccoding Case No PUR-2017 40074 Idcesied persons are enoosod to icw the Application and supporting doouments for the details ofdese and odher proposals TAKE NOTICE that the Commission may apportion ses among cusiomer classes andlor design ratcs in a moener differing from the shown in the Application and supporting documents and thes msry adopt ralcs thot differ from those appearing in the Company's Application and supporting documents The Commission cntcrod an Ondcr for Notice and Hcaring Out among other things, schoduled a public hcaring on Novermber 8 2018, at 10am, in de Commission's scoond tloor courtroom locsed in the Ty ler Building 1300 East Main Street Richmond Virginia 23219, so roccive lestimony from membens of the public and o idence relatod to the Application from the Compony, any rspondents, and the Commmission's Stll Ary person desiring lo esify as a public witness at this hearing should appear fiflcen 15) minunes prior to the starting time of the hearing and contact the Commission's Bailhit The publiccnaon of the Conparty's ApplicatiorL as well as the Commisson's Order for Notice and Haring. are an ailablc for pblic inspecto n duna g reg dar business hours each of the Corpurn's business ofices in the Commonwealth of Virginn Cop- ics also may be obtained by submitting a writen roqued to counsel for the Compury, Lisi S. Boodh Esqai, Doninion Energy Services Inc, 120 Tedegar Stroct, Richemond, Virginia 23219, If accepcable to the rouesting purty, the Compory mery provide the documents by ekectronic means Copies of the public version of the Application and other documents filed in this case also are nailae or inlcresied persons to review in the Commission's Docanere Control Center located on the first floor of the Tyler Building, 1300 East Main Strcct, Rich mond. Virginia 23219, betwoen the hxirs of 8:15 am and 5pm, Moedry through Fridn, ecluding holidays Intcrested persoes also may dow nlood unoficial copies from the Commission's website: v igin goncase On or before October 31 2018, ammicrsod person islung to comment on the Compar' 's Application shall file writicnoon. ments on the Application with Joel H Pock, Clerk, Sune Corponsion Coission co Documen Contol Center, PO Box 2118, Richmond, Vinginia 23218-2118. Arry intcreslod person desining to fik comments clectronically may do so on or before Otober 31, 2018 by tolloning the insructions on the Commission's websine: p:/www.soc virginia govlcase Compact dises or any other foem of electronic storage medium may no be filed with the comments All saach comments shaill refer to Case No. PUR 018-00087 On or before August 31, 2018, any person or entity wishing 8o porticipute as a respondent in this peoccoding mery do so by filing a notice of porticipation If not likd cloctocally. an oniginil and filocn(15 copics of the notice of particiption shall be submitlod to the Clerk of the Comumission at the address abone Acopy of the notice of porticipation as a respondent also must be sent to coursel for the Conmpory at the addess set forth abone Purauxint to Rulc 5 VAC 5-20-80B, Participation as a respondent, of the Commission's Rales of Practice and Procodure (Rules of Pactice"T, any notice of porticipation shaill set forth () a precise statc- ment of the inerest of the respondent, () a statement of the spocific action sought to the extent then known and (in) the factual and legal toss for the acton. Am orgare atorL oorponecn or premnacrg bod participEng as a sesponderanw be represetxtcd bn coun cl as required by Rule 5 VAC 5-3.30 Coun el of the Rules of Practice All filings shall refer to Ca e PUR-2018" On or before September 28 2018, each respondent may file with the Clerk of the Coenmission, and serve on the Commissions StaT thx: Corrigurzy and all other responents atty 0Cstin otry and cxhbits by hich the responent cpo cts to establish its case. and each witness's testinmory shall include a summary not to esceed one page If not filed clectronically, an original and fien (15) copics of such testimony and cxhibits shall be submiied o the Clerk of the Commssion at the address abone. In all filings respon- ders shull comply with the Commissioen's Rales of Practice, including VAC .20-140 Flhing and serice and S VAG Prcpared testimoy and exhibits. All filings shell refer to Cae No. PUR 2018-00087 All do utic as filed with the Olice ofthe C crk of the Commission in1lus dekt .ay use both sides of the pupet Inall oter rospects, all filings shaill comply fally with the requirements of 5 VAC 5-20-150, Copics and fommot of the Conssion's Rules of Practice The Commission's Rules of Practice my be viewed at hapo/www.scc.virginia gov/case. A printed copy of the Commission's Ruks of Practicc and an oflicial copy of the Commission's Order for Notice and Hearing in this procoding may be obtained from the Clerk of the Commission at the addrcss above. VIRGINIAELECTRCANDPOWERCOMPANY