THE HOUSE STUDENT LEADERSHIP CENTER Prince William County: 14000 CROWN COURT, SUITE 105, woODBRIDGE, VA 22193 (703)909-5459 | wwW.THEHOUSE-INC.COM WEEKLONGEXPERIENCE ELECTIVES A shit to deeper thinking, electives efer school follew our energizing format in TECHNOLOGY Students are assigned an Apple iPad Pro as o erical resource for imegrating after school homework and support STUDENT-ATHLETE The Centers indoor, mulb-sport courts for training and sampling are the conditioning space to broaden opportunities for sport growth partieipation ameng youth GAIT EINSTEIN'S A gathering place, EINSTEINS is where students chat mest up, or study, Breaklast before school and dinner et the Center,a parto our daily routine. Plus,ustomie your Sarbucks A STUDENT'S ULTIMATE PERSONAL TRAINER. ENROLL NOW BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL, SUMMER CAMPS, & THE OFFICE ON YOUTH BEHAVIORAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS pStudent members access mubs-sport play and development ocedemic support, and heightened leaming experiencer High school students have the early adanage of our with UVA DARDEN and the option to earn eege credit afe school st he Center i ojoint program with Northem Vinginis Community College The Center's on-e Office on Youth Behasioral Health and Wellness a case-based pervice, carries the same mindset when deling with performance pretsures uning Cognitive Behavior Therapy end Neuroleedback Training RAISE YOUR LIMITS. 19 BuS STOP Monday-Friday | 6:00 am -6:30 pm Breakfast and dinner served daily 4-12- witt SERVMING GRADES FOUR THROUGH Students access the Center through school bus routes and shuttles WHERE THE FUTURE COMES FOR ANSWERS. The Houte Shudent Leadership Center was founded in 2005 to address challenges and opportunities of the modern been. A sense of community nd power, or tysbems nclude out-of-school time inibetives and programs in Prince Williem County,Vieginle end the Washington, DC region, Its athletes and artists, cheerleader ceptains and gamers, ogether forming the newest generation of activists, Creators. and nnovators. The House Student leadership Center..S01icil3)nonprofit corporation. ST LERDER5HP EnTER